Sunday, April 29, 2012

I believe things happen for reasons

Life is a very complex thing. We never no where we are going or how we are going to get there. But I do believe the way we get there makes us who we are. Has something happened in your life that you don't understand or how life will ever be the same again?

Here is part of my story. After being married for almost 2 years, my husband decided to flip our lives upside down by joining the military. Neither one of us lived more than an hour from our parents in our lives. We got orders and had to move on the other side of the country for our first duty station. After living there for a year, we found out why we were there. Our unborn son was diagnosed with multiple heart diseases. The hospital, where they treated my son for the first 3 years of his life, was amazing. Even though they hadn't seen anyone like him before, they never had us guessing if they could handle his care or not. I truely believe we needed to be there.

Even though I wish my son didn't have his medical condition, it has taught me so much. The little things in life are taken for granted. I remember how wonderful it was the day my son started eating out of a bottle. The training and practice he had to do just to be able to feed on his own. How many people take that for granted? It has taught me patience and perseverance. My son was almost one when he learned to sit up on his own. Until he learned that he was unable to eat semi-solid food without choking on it. Don't get me wrong it has placed a lot of fear into my heart, but his desire for life and the love he has makes everything worth it.

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