I decided to do a list of several Amazon review sites that I use or did at one point. Just so you know there are new sites being created every day and sites that close down too.
Reviewloop.com- This is an invite site. You can go to their Facebook page to request an invite.
Amzreviewtrader.com- This site is upgrading on a regular basis to add different options.
Snagshout.com- This site always you to snag a deal right away instead of waiting to be approved.
Ilovetoreview.com- Sign up for their mailing list and they email you the next product.
Ireviewhome.com- This site is still growing and you can find good products once and a while.
Productelf.com- This site has a section for free items.
Uberzonclub.com- They email you products at a discount price.
Adriansreviewgroup.com- Newer site. They have items to review and list good deal items as well.
LaunchZon.com- Coming soon. You can claim your spot now. Sorry this is for the sellers. The review site is Ratezon.com
Tomoson.com- This site is great if you have a large social account followings.
Giveawayservice.com- They are always add new products.
Elitedealclub.com- You have to be fast to claim items.
Wereviews.com- Newer Site. Still growing
shopwithreviews.com- It took a while before I get responses from the sellers.
Honestseedling.com- Add products time to time.
homeproducttesting.org- Discounted items for reviews
junglelaunch.com- Newer site. Email when there is a new product offer
nokiddingcoupon.com- Earn points by reviewing to cash out on new products to review.
Amzrc.com- The really good deals go super fast.
There are also several groups on Facebook. Some groups better than others. New groups starting almost every day and some groups ending as well. One of my favorite groups just closed today. They had amazing products to review but thanks to members not doing their reviews. The group lost amazing sellers. If you get a product to review; then review it. Each site and group has rules that you have to follow. I haven't came across ones that ask too much of someone.
Most sites and groups will give you help if you just ask and they are willing to work with you too. Most of them understand. They have lives and families too! Some have even lost their reviewing accounts on Amazon. Some sellers are even willing to help out too.
Try and not have too many items to review at one time because this can trigger a red flag on Amazon. It can happen time to time since most sites and groups are opt in and you have to wait on being approved.
Whether you use websites, Facebook or even straight from a seller to get your product to review, you need to remember to allow time for you and your family. As nice as it can be to get several items for free or at a deep discount, you can over do it. I have seen several reviewer that get stressed out and even ignore their lives. There will be periods of time that you will get several offers to review products and times where you will get very few offers. I suggest enjoying time off now and then.
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